
Showing posts from August, 2015


The recent rumuors about the leakage of examination questions baffles my mind and i intend to question the credibility of the examination council. after the cancellation of most papers by the exams council shows their incompetence. i will be very glad if the fish are fished out and stop the harassment they are giving to teachers, parents and students. if they actually want to get the culprits that leak exams questions to candidates then the best option is to get all those that print, set, type and distribute the papers and let them cough out their activities.


the rampant strike in the country from time memorial has shown us that our governments are incompetent in their duties. today is NAGRAT, tomorrow is GNAT and all other civil service workers. i wish to express my profound gratitude to the doctors for their bold attempt to call off their strike and go back to work despite the failure of the government negotiators to come to terms with them on their conditions of services. this government is taking all civil workers for a joke or better still a ride all because  they have a good and kind heart for the citizens that they serve.  looking at the expenses of the ministers of state and other government appointees it marvels alot and it baffles my mind when they come to say they are not taking the said amount ghanaians are speculating. i pray and hope that the military and police officers do not embark on a strike all because all state ammunition are in their hands and that cause chaos.


i wonder what has caused the vast springing up of the study abroad educational facilities? maybe it is the fact that the accreditation board does not offer them the necessary accreditation to operate or the process of acquiring the accreditation is too mean and easy going. in my thinking, i guess these people who operate these institutions are making alot of money and don not take the pain to even get accreditation and the institutions that are to see to the success of students who want to study outside ghana. some of these students are usually stranded when they get there so i want to urge the government and all other stakeholders to help that these institutions get accreditation before operating.


looking at the high rise of fast food vendors in the country it amazes me alot. some will say what should our home economic especially the catering students that graduate each year as well as the food and nutition students from our polythenics and universities do in this era of high unemployment? i tell you that the Food and Drugs Authority in  this our dear country are not doing their best to meet the standards of society safety as they are not making it their best to seek it. looking at the environment most of them operate is very appealing to the fact that they do not take the health of the citizens into consideration before operating. taking a critical look most of these do no have the requisite license to operate but here they are operating without fear of the appropriate authorities. i want to urge the authorities in charge of these to take a critical look into the issue and work towards that. least i forget, the Food and Drugs Authority should also make a stance to chec...


Poor Lighting System. The country Ghana with over 2000 population and over 500 district assemblies have a problem with the lighting system. Many may think this piece is about the current power crisis but rather on street lighting in Ghana. Taking a stroll along the streets of Sowutuom the constituency of Hon. Ayokor Botchway i noticed that most of the street lack street lights that brighten the streets for pedestrians and other road users. What surprises me most is the fact the assembly members that are usually voted for make the promise to help provide street lights to the area but never done when they assume power. Sowutuom which is endowed with many economic activities does not have the requisite protection for its constituents since the area is prone to societal odds due to the poor lighting system.


Is the remedial schools accredited? Maybe the accreditation board in Ghana does not recognise remedial schools in Ghana that is the reason for their springing up. Looking around the whole country almost all notices and billboards have the inscriptions Remedials! Remedials!! Remedials!!! My little knowledge says that they have the autonomy to establish themselves. I urge the accreditation board and all stakeholders to come together and license all remedial classes or schools if they have no accreditation and if they are given accreditation before operation then it should be vigorously scrutinized.