
Showing posts from November, 2016


It is obvious and no two way about the fact that some people claim to be leftist with the socioeconomic principle of social democracy which is a blatant deceit from members of that clan or lineage.It has been a privilege to learn about the three different economic policies called capitalism,democratic socialism and social democracy. This in one way or the other has given me the insight to help me to choose from what is right and wrong and also knowing my left from right. Let us get ourselves into these economic policies or ideologies to juxtapose among them. Capitalism is the system where ownership of the mean of production is in the hands of private individuals who tend to exploit their fellow humans with the aim of making profit.   Social Democracy on the other hand presupposes that capitalism is the best and should be allowed to operate but rather a system should be created to task the private man to cater for the exploited. Under this system capitalism is allowed t...