
Showing posts from December, 2017


For a while now churches have turned to be the abode for all the unexpected happenings in religious affairs without the mosques been an exemption. For the sake of this write up concentration will be given to the church. The topic is not for the mind to easily digest but to ponder on give meaning. In the minds of many prostitution is sex trade but in this case different meanings may be and will be given to address the falling standard of religious actions. Church prostitute in this case is the attitudinal manner ladies use to lure people to attend and worship God . Usually people give out the worse facial expression but the best of it all is the way and manner the young ones offer themselves willingly in the service of God. This singular act is what draws the attention of people and bring people to church. This is because of the delight that shows in the demeanor. This draws attention to the way prostitutes on the streets of Accra and beyond attract customers to patronise their goo...


An  altar server   is a  lay  assistant to a member of the  clergy  during a  Christian liturgy . An altar server attends to supporting tasks at the  altar  such as fetching and carrying, ringing the  altar bell , among other things. A young male altar server is commonly called an   altar   boy , whereas a young female altar server is commonly called an  altar girl . For the sake of this write up Altar servers will be referred to as Mass servers. Mass servers are persons who help in the celebration of mass by assisting the priest on the sanctuary in the Catholic Church. The lineage of Mass servers dates back to the 17th Century when the training of seminarians became more prominent and substitution was needed to that effect.  In as much as service to God is service to mankind does not warrant Altar servers to be treated as nonentity in the service of God. It should be noted that in liturgical celebrat...