I have been thinking aloud off late about this issue of economic hardship exerted on Ghanaians by successive governments with deceit that they are serving Ghanaians in the right capacity. Lest we forget that the lives of the people depends more on the development of the state and how bewildered the government will be in tackling issues of societal needs. My focus is on the current government and how pragmatic measures are been adopted in addressing the needs of the ordinary electorate on the street. Here we are people dying on the streets while the politicians get themselves and families goodies upon goodies and amassing wealth meant to service the ordinary citizens. I have come to understand that power seeking people do not have people at heart. If they do, they would not have allowed young and determined students to sit under undesirable and dilapidated structure to study. This does not even provide them with incentives that will boost their morale for effective teaching and ...