Every now and then things get amazing with the attitude and actions of people. Not long ago the former Minister of Energy, Hon. Boakye Agyarko went to parliament to mention names of towns that caused smiles on the faces of many citizens to the extent that some became greetings by certain section of the populace. What people did not know was the strength and vigour that these citizens attached to help them get enrolled unto the national electricity grid by the government. Despite these teasing attached to the names never made them to lose focus on the very core that bound them together as one people fighting for a common goal. What gets most people worried is the fact that you tell them a popular town of old has no proper facility to cater for its citizens and still spiritually attached to the old ways of believing in superstitious entities. It is by this that I am tempted to say there are no spirits hovering over the earth but the strings of attachment is what makes it psychological d...