Whispers from the Past: A Journey Through Neglected Graves and Forgotten Tales

Oh, how delightful it was to witness the pitiful state of the cemeteries in my neighborhood. I couldn't help but shed a tear or two at the sight of their neglect. It truly warmed my heart to think that this could potentially be my final resting place. The thought lingered in my mind for days, oh how I relished in the idea of being buried in a place that scares people away. As I strolled by, I couldn't help but notice a broken grave. How thrilling! I couldn't resist the urge to walk carefully, with my heart in my mouth, wondering what fate would befall me if I were to slip into one of those broken graves. The dejected and bushy surroundings only added to the excitement. When I shared my experience with a friend, they dared to suggest that our cemeteries were not up to par compared to those in Europe and the States. How dare they! Who needs to make money off of cemeteries and funeral homes when we can just let them rot away? In our further conversation, I came to understand t...