Over past few days, months and years i have asked many citizens of Ghana my mother land on what can be done to solve the erratic power supply that have crippled the economy, all i hear is they are not the oresident or the power minister.

i became frustrated in the sense that i realised that many people only look up to the president or leaders of the country to solve their problems but not devising ways they can help themselves with situations at hand.

with my little experience in learning entrepreneurship and the skills involve in solving problems i came to understand that each and everyone can solve his or her own problem without looking at the people or leaders at the top.

Lets take this example, will you wait for the government to fix your breakdown vehicle before you move? Definitely not. so therefore you must always try and solve your own situation before the government comes in. I have decided to embark on a campaign to eduacte the people to help solve their porblems before the government comes in.


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