themes Leadership many claim to be in-built or born with but i dispute that fact because leadership can be emulated and learnt by others and even perform better than so-called born leaders. being a leader is not an easy task because it entails a lot and patience and other characteristics must be exhibited to move for a smooth organisation.

When power is given to people to lead an organisation they usually feel that the have been given the autonomy to do or act any how in their interest and not the interest of those that gave them them the mandate to.

What many leaders forget is the fact that they are accountable to the people that gives them the mandate and should not work as autocratic. these are the same people that condemn others for being autocratic but when given the opportunity they fail totally.

It happened that a class in a school started an organisation and they elected leaders and  these leaders also created departments within each position to help in the manning of activities to help the smooth sail of the organisation. things started well but the leaders for some reasons took decisions within consulting members of the various departments and when they queried the only answer you get is you do not ask questions. my problem and question is then why did you create those departments if you could take decisions without them?

In that same organisation, it happened that they were to perform or hold an event and the communication officer in-charge for some reasons best known to him/her and his/her other executives delayed in communicating the activity and even did not involve the department in which he/she is a member. my question is what then was the reason for that department?

Series of activities have been planned by the organisation without the consulting of the department that is in-charge of events in that organisation and when queried the only information one who is inquisitive get is the executives decided because it was impromptu. my question is if decision could be taken without them then what is their essence?

Money is the root of all evil as our elders say. last but not least because series of them can be given, money being spent in the organisation does not reach a department created within it but only among the elected executives and they say we will give accounts of every dim. if you could work independently without help from your departmental members then why did you create a finance department?

This article may punch some group of people or organisation, the writings in it is not directed to any organisation or individual but to correct the mess in the system so that our leaders when given mandate should work with the people that gives them the mandate and not act on their power for power gives nothing.



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