Just as it happens in any society at night, the case of Sowutuom is quite different and exceptional with the springing up of so many slums and ghettos putting social vices on the high which in the long is affecting the morality of the  society that once housed morality in the Ga West District.

Despite the fact that the Catholic church has its formation  houses for priests and friars on the hills of this geographical enclave many young ones care less about the practice of social vices which has become a normal thing of the day in the lives of pretty and attractive young adults.
Parading the principal streets of the town towards the Ofankor road leading to Kumasi and the Eastern Region is where one is faced the surprise of the number of night clubs and restaurants as well as pubs housing these recalcitrant young adults who have decided to live their lives in a shabby and uncouth manner.
It pains the heart most how some elders in the society fathom to the high rise of this social vices in the neighborhood to the maximum extent of giving shelter to these atrocious chaps of the now technological world for something small to keep soul and body together to ply their trade of nudity.

A night at Sowutuom is very disgusting. This is because of the eyesore one is likely to be faced with on entering the community in regards to the abuse of alcohol by both male and female young adults whom probably were once from a humble and religious homes. A district capital with so many of these evil acts has demean the status and beauty of the society that once served as the abode for generous, well-deserving and highly cultured people.

 Notwithstanding the many difficulties in the society, smoking among young adults have become another order of the day which no sooner than later morality will be lost within the geographical setting and abode of one of Ghana's longest serving legislator.

Money they say is root of all evil is really a saying worth reminding ourselves with always as far as we have breath of life tripping within our biological and physical system. Financial difficulties most often than not is to be blamed for these acts of insanity but what shall it a profit a man after gaining all earthly treasures and lose heaven? (Mark 8:36). This should be a reminding tool of guideline to administer the footsteps of young adults who are the future of the nation.


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