We live in a society where morality is believed to be of high standard yet our actions and inactions ecpose us to the generation not yet born as devil incarnate. by: Kokoih John Kennedy Our moral consciousness has fallen apart with the rise of the many atrocities befalling us as a nation when it comes to covering our nakedness. This makes one sick when we accuse the Europeans of bad moral habits yet forget about our stinking immoral attitude. Not long ago the nation was plunged into a state of mourning with burning of markets to suicide then when we were recovering another unfortunate incident of mob action robbed the beauty of our hospitality towards one another. This mob actions make one to think deep within his or her subconscious mind whether we love others more than ourselves which incidentally goes against the the commandment of Christ Jesus. The attitude of this unacceptable mob action after its subsidy gave birth to rise of killings and armed robbery. Least...