From time immemorial people have used greetings to represent
good terms with one as being morally upright. Gone were the days when children
are held in high esteem for showing reverence to elders with their families
benefiting from that gesture as morally sound. These days greeting is no more
the norm and cradle of morality in our societies.
This phenomenal change many say is based on the principle of
"modernization of society" where everyone claim to be on his or her
own and more to the point living a sole life without humanity effort of others.
Critically analyzing the moral standards of people living
within the rural and urban enclaves based on greetings one will realize that
the changing nature of society has degraded this moral standard.
Most often than not people try to justify the reason for the
decline of morality in urban areas as that there is no time wasting and
everyone wants to achieve success at the end of their stay. Looking at this
argument which may or may not be true because those in the rural areas also
want to achieve success yet offer greetings to one another at any point in
Careful analysis of the above arguments in relations to the Israelite in times of war in the book of Samuel shows clearly that no matter
the circumstances greetings are necessary because in those trying times the
offered greetings to one another.
Comparing the Israelite and urban areas situations there is
no excuse to forgo the moral standard of greeting in the urban areas since the Israelite situation was cumbersome.
Anybody in my shoes will attest to the fact that members of
rural areas are morally upright when it comes to matters of extending goodwill
to one another. In making reference to Asamama and Nandom, it is clearly evident that you cannot file past five people without receiving greetings
despite the rising nature of those villages in terms of development.
The advice I am putting forth is that, we as citizens should
not allow urban life to sway away of moral attitude of greeting since that is a
good way of building a sustainable society of progress.