Free shs is one of the prudent ventures that the current New Patriotic Party Government has initiated as a social intervention programme to help boost the educational and literacy rate of the average Ghanaian citizen so as to increase the level of productivity which will in a long round improve the economic status of the country.

The project was has increased the chances of the Akuffo-Addo led administration to stay relevant in the eyes of parents yet the good has turned bad. This is because the haste initiated project is has hit the rock hard crushing to its minimal point of which when checked not will lead to chaos in the aftermath of the four year tenure.

Free shs has generated a lot  of controversies in regards to educational materials and being no expert in academia and economics little exposure to facts on ground has made it possible to voice out some reasons that may or may not contribute to the success of the programme. First of these reasons is the fact that teachings and learning materials are limited and least supplied to the various senior high schools hence its ability and capability of hindering the smooth process of the project.

Someone may ask where are getting all those monies to finance the project? Per little calculation for eight hundred fresh students of a single senior high school feeding will amount to GH$2,160.00 for a day with feeding pegged at GH$2.70 for each student in about. Translating this to a term of three months will be outrageous and here lies the case that our economy is producing economy and not industrialized economy. This makes it difficult due to the fact that we lack the monetary or financial strength to facilitate this project which will lead us to borrow more to finance and eventually leave us debt-ridden.

Greater responsibility lies in the environment for study. Reading recently in the news about the poor nutritious food been given to students of Kwabenya Shs students is appalling and deserves not to be in the 21st century educational system. Also, La  Presec first years sitting on improvised chairs using an improvised table is unwarranted for.
I strongly believe that this project could have been achieved if the necessary equipment were acquired to facilitate its smooth flow rather than making the students suffer for our political talks. 

Good turn bad indeed for measures are not put in place for the smooth run of this magnificent project which has root in the Nkrumah-led government.


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