The Lovely Betrayal

On the day of their mother's funeral, tensions ran high among the siblings as they argued over who would lay the last wreath. Zerrubabel, the eldest child, claimed that as the one who opened their mother's womb, he deserved the honor. However, his siblings argued that since Zerrubabel would receive the first share of their mother's property, it was only fair for the youngest child to lay the wreath.

The argument dragged on for hours, and even the family head's intervention failed to resolve the issue. The siblings began to suspect Zerrubabel of foul play, as he had been reluctant to visit their mother in the hospital before her death and had suddenly experienced a surge in business after her passing.

Finally, the siblings took a firm stance and refused to let Zerrubabel lay the wreath. In response, Zerrubabel threatened to withdraw his contribution to the funeral. The siblings, however, were determined to see the funeral through to the end and told Zerrubabel to keep his money.

Just when they thought the matter was settled, a group of thugs appeared and held the family hostage, forcing them to agree to Zerrubabel's demands. The family was released, but when they arrived at the funeral grounds, they discovered that their mother's casket was missing.

The family was devastated, and their grief turned to anger as they cursed the day their mother died. The mystery of the missing casket would haunt them for years to come.


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