Echoes of Resilience

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu
In search of answers, we wander without sight,
Within, our thoughts engage in endless fight.
How do we calm the storm within our minds,
When doubts assail, leaving self-worth behind?
Through trials faced, and battles we endure,
Rejection's sting and abandonment obscure.
Yet some stand firm, steadfast by our side,
Walking with us through life's tumultuous tide.
In darkest hours, when storms press us low,
These rare companions help our spirits grow.
Though scarce, these souls with hearts so true,
Guide us with courage, a precious few.
We pray to the heavens for strength and grace,
Facing life's tempests, we find our place.
This too shall pass, a steadfast decree,
Through storms and trials, our spirits set free. search of answers, we wander without sight,
Within, our thoughts engage in endless fight.
How do we calm the storm within our minds,
When doubts assail, leaving self-worth behind?
Through trials faced, and battles we endure,
Rejection's sting and abandonment obscure.
Yet some stand firm, steadfast by our side,
Walking with us through life's tumultuous tide.
In darkest hours, when storms press us low,
These rare companions help our spirits grow.
Though scarce, these souls with hearts so true,
Guide us with courage, a precious few.
We pray to the heavens for strength and grace,
Facing life's tempests, we find our place.
This too shall pass, a steadfast decree,
Through storms and trials, our spirits set free.


Prosper Pio said…
Nice job dear. Keep it up. Greater heights.

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