Steps of Zeal

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu
In the realm of anticipation, a man awaits,
Filled with hope, at the journey's gates.
Zeal propels each step, a mission to fulfill,
To be embraced warmly, atop the hill.

Trust is vested in Jesus, unwavering and true,
A steadfast companion in all that we pursue.
Amidst opposition, a beacon of light,
Our hope of glory, in the darkest night.

Why place trust in mortal hands,
When Jesus beside us firmly stands?
Strength renewed in the wait, wings unfurled,
Soar like eagles, face an inviting world.

In running, weariness shall not cling,
In walking, strength will forever spring.
Trust this man with all your might,
Witness greatness unfolds, bathed in His light.


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