Behind the Mask of Devotion: Unveiling the Inner Conflicts of Spiritual Superiority

I have a strong aversion to supporting those who find it easy to talk to fellow humans but are reluctant to talk to God. Let me tell you about this young man I met some time ago. At first glance, he seemed like a devout person, but for some reason, I saw things differently.
I had the chance to spend some time with him, and to my surprise, he had this superiority complex. He believed he was better than everyone else around him. I couldn't understand why he struggled to pray in a group, to the point of getting sick but was perfectly fine when praying alone. It was like he could talk the talk but couldn't walk the walk when it came to group prayer.
Now, I get that our moods can fluctuate daily, but that shouldn't stop us from doing what we need to do when it comes to following God in our unique way.


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