Guarding the Sanctity of the Eucharist: The Urgent Need for Church Discipline

I am deeply concerned as each day passes by witnessing the decline in discipline exhibited by people in all aspects of life, including within the Church. This is a serious issue that cannot be ignored any longer. We must address this problem and find solutions as soon as possible. It is disheartening to see individuals actively working to undermine the disciplined behavior of others, while some remain indifferent to the situation. While commendable efforts are being made by the youth to address waste in our communities, the level of indiscipline that has infiltrated the Church is alarming. I was shocked to witness individuals engrossed in their phones during the Eucharist celebration, browsing social media, or even live streaming from the church. This behavior is not only disrespectful but also disrupts the sanctity of the liturgy. It is unacceptable that we are willing to compromise the beauty of our environment and now our worship as well. We must ask ourselves, what would happen if ...