
Image result for POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS IN GHANAPolitical campaigns are in a way to inform and lure electorates to buy into their idea of what they will do when given the waggle to govern the country and not make countless promises which cannot be achieved in a four year period.
It is obvious that when elections are drawing near in any institution or country, aspirants are tempted and forced to make promises and pledges which are sometimes not achieved. This year’s general election is of no different from the others. In the previous election of 2012 we heard the “one student, one laptop” policy of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and “free education” from the New Patriotic Party (NPP). This year is not different as earlier stated as we are hearing countless of promises which have turned to be talk of the people in town from promises of the power drunk two main political parties in the country.
This year’s political campaign has taken a new facet from “I will do this” syndrome to “promises of ones.” How do you feel when a “trotro mate” shouts “one man, one seat?” sounds funny right? This is how the promises of one’s sound.
These politicians are making these promises with the perception that we the electorates cannot think for ourselves unless asked to think in their direction making them play with our thoughts and feelings.
I can’t think far on how these promises will be achieved in this current economic state when everything  is in a gully as we are engulfed with over  a hundred million dollar debt. Looking at this I will say these politicians are day-dreaming.
The new guiding principle of campaign of “ one student, one tablet”, “one house, one meter”, “one village, one dam”, “one district, one factory”, and “one district, one million dollar” of the two main parties are what I call mere propaganda to sway the electorates to their side and not necessarily wanting to achieve them. Someone will say it is just a name given a policy but I say NO! These promises have transferred itself into the realm of public domain where fun is made at them even to extent those others creating theirs.
Listening to arguments from both sides tells you that they have not got what to implement such policies but just playing with my thoughts. This brings to the finale that “the promises of ones are out of reach”.


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