I remember when the issue of the Special Prosecutor came up many were of the view that it is a way of witch-hunting people within the main opposition party but from yesterday's vetting of the Mr. Martin A.B.K. Amidu there was a clear distinction that he is of the motive to fight corruption than imprisoning people for the various wrongdoing. Mr. Amidu, popularly known as Citizen Vigilante has given the right path to the the fight and how best the country can move on towards the path of development. Mr. Martin A.B.K. Amidu As a matter of fact, we will admit that the amount of money leaking through the hands of people in this country is very much huge to the highest degree. Most often than not leaders of the nation are not strong enough to fight the canker. As the nominee said, Ghana is not a milking cow for politicians to milk it shows his determination to stand his ground and adhere to the principles of truth, honesty, fairness and impartiality. He admitted that these are ...