I can not remember the very last time in a month without the nudity of another person. Ranging from the so-call celebrity to the less privilege in society all in the name of making money and becoming popular. In Ghana now, to be a celebrity in a second depends on how to sell your nudes to the society. Rashid Black Beauty became a celebrity in the single moment of time with nudes and today in the media and social media fraternity are the discussion of the nudes of a pastors wife and a nurse after the unfortunate kitchen stool leak. 
In the wake of time the nudity and sex tape leaks have become the order of the day. I wonder where our cultural morality has vanquished into? Most often than not, I feel the moral institutions tasked with the responsibility of shaping our attitudes towards the best societal norms are failing to live up to standards and the tasks.
I wonder what the world is turning into with all these brouhaha and flirting about with the nakedness of mankind. Sometimes when I sit to ponder about societal happenings it feels nauseating because of the stinking nature of our absurd behaviour.
Sometime I believe that the over reliance of our conscience on the fact that money is the sole determinant of wealth has initiated the move to sell nudes and gain the popularity of the public and become the unbecoming. Least we forget, good morals and hardwork are the sole proponents to the betterment of good living and not less moral standards.