Mobile Witnesses: The Tragedy of Spectacle in an Unfeeling Age

I seethed with fury as my eyes witnessed a despicable scene unfolding by the roadside. After a long day of activities, I was traveling with a group, only to be confronted with the harsh reality that humanity has devolved into a pack of heartless monsters.
Sitting by the window of the vehicle, I observed a man being callously struck down by a hit-and-run driver. How could someone be so devoid of empathy? Instead of owning up to his actions, the driver fled the scene at breakneck speed, disappearing into the night.
I naively hoped that those nearby would come to the aid of the injured man, but my hopes were dashed. To my dismay, I saw everyone around him with their mobile phones in hand, from the cheapest models to the most expensive, capturing photos and videos to share with the world. Some even laughed and cheered, finding amusement in the man's misfortune.
Where has our compassion and sense of community gone? What was meant to be a source of support has transformed into a malevolent force within us. It's a sad reflection of the society we live in today, where selfishness and indifference reign supreme.


Mensah said…
This is indeed a pity. We strive to be the first to share the moment instead of offering a hand to help those in struggles within the moment

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