Unmasking the Teaser: A Tale of Revelations

Oh, the joy of running into an old friend from high school amid my busy life! I always thought he was a ray of sunshine, spreading happiness wherever he went. Little did I know, he was a sadistic teaser, getting a kick out of making others uncomfortable. It was quite a shock to discover his true colors.
One day, we were at a gathering and he decided to target someone with his teasing. The poor guy was left speechless and visibly upset. But when the tables were turned and he was teased back, oh boy, did he lose his cool! It was almost comical how quickly he went from teasing to full-on rage mode.
After witnessing this drama unfold, I had a moment of clarity. Treat others as you would like to be treated, right? Well, some people just can't handle being on the receiving end of their own medicine. Especially those sadistic teasers. Oh, what a joy they are to be around!


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