

themes Political campaigns are in a way to inform and lure electorates to buy into their idea of what they will do when given the waggle to govern the country and not make countless promises which cannot be achieved in a four year period. It is obvious that when elections are drawing near in any institution or country, aspirants are tempted and forced to make promises and pledges which are sometimes not achieved. This year’s general election is of no different from the others. In the previous election of 2012 we heard the “one student, one laptop” policy of the National Democratic Congress ( NDC ) and “free education” from the New Patriotic Party ( NPP ). This year is not different as earlier stated as we are hearing countless of promises which have turned to be talk of the people in town from promises of the power drunk two main political parties in the country. This year’s political campaign has taken a new facet from “I will do this” syndrome to “promises of ones.” How do


themes The Danquah-Busia-Dombo tradition must stop the deceit of members of this royal country, Ghana about the return of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah to the country of his birth. It is always alleged that Dr. J.B Danquah financed the trip of Dr. Nkrumah from overseas and this beats my mind because I do not understand how someone who was paid by another finance the flight of another? It is on records just that members of the elephant family do not want the truth to be told to the masses because they have the desire to paint the freedom fighter black as they did in 1965 and 66. On Dr. Nkrumah's invitation to Ghana, the executives of UGCC though were not paid were free to go about their duties and profession but Nkrumah was made to work as full time secretary without any other job so how do they expect him to feed and besides the party was financed by George Grant well known as Paa Grant so I do not understand how Dr. Danquah financed the trip. It could be that he asked him t

Politics of Insult

It is rather unfortunate how Ghanaian politicians of today do politics with impunity and awful attitudes. Listening to these politicians it is always a pity. People who are supposed to be role models to the youth are soiling themselves with insults and dirty speeches. Every now and then the flagbearers of the two major political parties make fun of themselves and their policies. Listening to President Mahama on Metro TV in his interview with Paul Adom Okyere he made comments concerning his rant on his political opponent of the NPP. Its unfortunate that these people are playing with our minds and practicing what I call politics of insults.


themes Time and tide wait for no man and what you chase, you will definitely get is some of the sayings I remember from my grandmother when I was growing up. Its been while that this person whom I believe strongly hails from my region makes scanty and undeserving comments about people in society, Salifu Maase of Montie Fm has over a period of time made useless comments and here it has landed him and a whole station in merciless troubles together with his pals.   Despite these comments and in my appeal, I would have wished the direct attackers should have tamper justice with mercy on these people so as to show the other loud-mouthed people the laws and its dealings. The sanction in my opinion was harsh but the law knows right and the custodians know it right too. Many are those who have talked much against this judgement against the owners of Montie FM, the host and his panelists. Hope one day many scanty and ill-mouthed people would watch their mouth when speaking.


themes The energy crisis facing Ghana is just none but a mistake of the leaders who have been mandated to steer the affairs of the rich mineral deposit country with little or no knowledge as to how to move the country out of this dilemma of troubles and misery. How can citizens pay a high amount of energy tariff and enjoy little or no energy? Many leaders of Ghana have towed the wrong path to success by going the way of thermal in a bid to solve the energy crisis. during the erstwhile Kuffuor as well Mahama-led NDC administration power badges were brought  all to no avail. I wonder whether this country with technocrats have lost their knowledge in energy and electricity matter. I ask this because even Germany with little sunlight can generate over 3000megawatt of energy then what are we sitting doing with abundance of sunlight to as much as over 50,000megawatts of energy from the southern sector only with the exception of the northern sector. I wonder why we as a country neglected