

We live in a society where morality is believed to be of high standard yet our actions and inactions ecpose us to the generation not yet born as devil incarnate.  by: Kokoih John Kennedy Our moral consciousness has fallen apart with the rise of the many atrocities befalling us as a nation when it comes to covering our nakedness. This makes one sick when we accuse the Europeans of bad moral habits yet forget about our stinking immoral attitude. Not long ago the nation was plunged into a state of mourning with burning of markets to suicide then when we were recovering another unfortunate incident of mob action robbed the beauty of our hospitality towards one another. This mob actions make one to think deep within his or her subconscious mind whether we love others more than ourselves which incidentally goes against the the commandment of Christ Jesus. The attitude of this unacceptable mob action after its subsidy gave birth to rise of killings and armed robbery. Least...


From time immemorial people have used greetings to represent good terms with one as being morally upright. Gone were the days when children are held in high esteem for showing reverence to elders with their families benefiting from that gesture as morally sound. These days greeting is no more the norm and cradle of morality in our societies. This phenomenal change many say is based on the principle of "modernization of society" where everyone claim to be on his or her own and more to the point living a sole life without humanity effort of others. Critically analyzing the moral standards of people living within the rural and urban enclaves based on greetings one will realize that the changing nature of society has degraded this moral standard. Most often than not people try to justify the reason for the decline of morality in urban areas as that there is no time wasting and everyone wants to achieve success at the end of their stay. Looking at this argument whi...


Together as one has always been my strong motive that keeps me united with others and I hope all citizens of the world follow same. Speaking to Biafrans of South East Nigeria make my heart sink like the Titanic ship because of the complaints they give concerning the ill treatment being meted out to them. There is no doubt that Nigeria is a country as large as the baobab tree of Northern part of Ghana with different tribes but that does not warrant such actions because we are one. Kwame Nkrumah in his book Africa Unite should be a thinking bloc for every African. Fighting ourselves and maltreating one another will further lead to Neocolonisation of Africa and impoverishing. United we stand should be the motive for all Nigerians and allow for the freedom of the Biafrans to prevail.


It is with pain always to hear that a person has been killed without fair trial by civilians who are insensitive to matters of humanity. I woke up early to hear that a military man trained to protect civilians have been killed by those who is to protect. Of what crime does one commit to receive barbaric treatment. How will it feel to die of natural cause leaving behind children? Painful as it is these citizens did not consider such moment of life. The death of a military man in the cause of duty is like a tree been terminated at a time it is to serve a whole community. I say rest in perfect peace Captain Mahama and may your fall be a rise to the sense of Democratic movement in the country and also serve as lesson to those who you were protecting but rather took your life.


themes     by: KOKOIH JOHN KENNEDY (HAPHRIQA) In love I would rather see you fully gone Having you always on the tablet of my heart I forget you not Not because I can’t do without you But the sense of love makes it incomplete for me to be alone I question this feeling from the creator but no answer I can’t accept your rejection at this time When you painted an image of love in the back side of my mind You care less about my feelings When you left without a message of love Making me the laughing stalk of the society Yet I say unto you In love I would rather see you fully gone Till we meet again 


themes My dear Muslim woman I believe a woman’s beauty is in her veil And how trendy her clothes are As well as the diamonds that adorns her The scarf is your glimmer and shine of your soul Never dress to please mankind but your creator In the absence of nothing you are something Your beauty is beyond comparison For goodness sake I cannot look at you twice  Behind the veil I see intense beauty Clouded with confidence So my dear Muslim woman Walk away and cover your pride for indecency pays not.