Religion, colonial form in Africa

When I sat and thought of how far religion has inculcate itself into the Africa continent I wonder its impact and what it has been able to do for the ordinary african citizen.

When I speak this way many people see me as a blasphemous person and a person who do not believe in God. It is not so but I see religion as a form of colonial embodiment.

I am very religious but I do not believe in religion. I believe in the supreme being but the fact is, I attend church and not just that but one of the oldest churches in the world.

As a Pan-African I see that religion in any form has shaped the minds of the ordinary citizen of Africa from thinking beyond the problems affecting him or her.

I say so because some problems affecting the lives of the African citizen demands a revolutionary action but religion has prevented that and until we perceive Africa as the continent with greater ideas.

Many of these citizens of Africa are usually making it difficult and religion of which the whites or west introduced in our country to brainwash us against our own form of religion which made us see ourselves as one was moved away and introduced what we now practice today.

Just the beginning. Keep your fingers crossed. More to drop so. Dark Ages.


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