Too much bonuses for black stars

Yes, its true that in every job bonuses are sometimes necessary to boost abilities of the workers but the bonuses given to the Black stars of Ghana is too much to think about.

Looking at The Three Lions of England our colonial masters their bonuses or per diem they get is low as compared to ours and they also get their payment in their native currency which is the best for them.

Here we are when inflation is at its peak and yet our players are paid in the currency of United States of America, dollar.

Playing in the national colours should be pride and not an avenue to amass wealth. Imagine the amount of money Gyan gets from his club and yet he still receives such an amount which impoverishes the nation. In my candid opinion the per diem should be reduced and players who are willing and ready to die for the nation to be called upon to wear the national colours.

Just an opinion and a suggestion.


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