Image result for KOMENDA SUGAR FACTORYAs a country we know the amount of money we waste in importing food such as rice, tomato, sugar and even petty things like toothpick so this was a massive move after the collapse of the factory after the over of the first president of the land.

Joy eluded many people as the Komenda Sugar factory was commissioned by His Excellence John Dramani Mahama as they saw it a means to end the massive importation of sugar. This is a perfect initiative but is it to gain political scores or to save the nation? The answer always given is not appealing to the average citizen of common sense but only in the eyes of beneficiaries of this wasted effort.

this is an ugly move despite the praise received from many journalists and people of high thinking capacity. little economics studied in senior high schools will tell one that factories are to located closer to source of raw material to reduce cost of production here is the case the raw material(sugarcane) for the mass or mini production of sugar is not available to the factory and yet applause are flying in from all angles commending this wasted effort.

Little history lesson will tell the average Ghanaian that during the greener years of the Komenda Sugar factory, sugarcane plantation was right there near it which made it easier. If one may ask, where then do we get the raw materials (sugarcane) to supply to the factory? Nowhere than to import this again from countries with sugarcane plantation or do we intend cultivating the raw material now that the factory is ready for use? Because little agriculture science will tell the dumpiest person that sugarcane takes about six months to mature and we going to allow the factory to fallow as we wait for it to mature because we have not the raw materials or import it?

If it is importation we are going to tackle o solve the issue at hand then it will be better to rather stop this and import the sugar as doe always since we are going to incur the same cost  and lost. This is really a wasted effort by the president yet applauded by some as the best initiative.

writer: Kokoih John Kennedy (Nations of Africa)


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