Social Democracy and Capitalism.

Many may think that there is clear cut difference between the two political and economic ideologies but i beg to differ that there is no such difference. Despite the fact that they have different names do not make them different since they both clamp at maximizing profits at the expense of the poor and hungry masses.

Social Democrats claim to be leftist yet their principles do not make them so. How do you tell someone that allowing the rich to own the means of production and tax them to cater for the poor is different from allowing the private or rich man to operate? All these tend or end up in what is called exploitation of the working class.
Again the social democrats are not different from the capitalist as in the sense that both allow for privatization of resources which in the long run breeds exploitation of the working class of which even the Holy Bible discredit. In this instance there is no clear cut difference between social democracy and capitalism. In a system where there is class division it makes it difficult to attain the best level of development. Some may argue that the European nations we emulate are capitalist states but ask yourself, are their citizens and foreigners enjoying life? The simple answer is NO because the poor gets poorer and the rich gets richer everyday because of the fact that the capitalist or bourgeoisie treat the proletariat as means to an end and not ends to themselves, same as the social democrats.
Therefore there is not difference between these two human unfriendly political and economic ideologies.

By: Kokoih John Kennedy,
 Secretary to Nations Of Africa.


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