themes It is usually unfortunate of the way comments are met in the realm of politics in our country Ghana and this attitude is leaving deep cracks in our so-called tolerance for women. Here we are in a country where all political parties come out with the notion of strong sense for feminism and yet act in the opposite. Many
flaws have been committed in this Nkrumah-land and need to be checked to prevent chaos.

The bitter side of politics is that members of same political ideologies see nothing with one another comment though it has the tendency to disrupt the peace and also crush their reputation in the political realm.

Bad utterances against women in our Ghanaian society by our politicians who are one way or the other role models to our youths is disgusting and need to debunked and those people called to order.
Recent comments from Hon. Baba Jamal is very unfortunate and nonsensical to be channeled into themainstream of society. A member of a political party that has women at heart and in capacity to hold position could not and should not have made those unfortunate and recalcitrant comment about the profession of his political opponent.
 Image result for hon kennedy agyapongImage result for baba jamal
Even with this none of his party members have seen anything bad about it since all are quiet over the issue which is not the best. It is about time he comes out publicly to apologize to the female fraternity. What hurt most is the fact that Nana Oye Lithur saw nothing wrong with this comment as well as Hannah Tetteh, Ministers of Women, gender and social protection and foreign affairs respectively but rather the awful comment of the "uncultured" Member of Parliament for Assin North, Hon. Kennedy Ohene Agyapong against the Electoral Commissioner.

I do not want to believe that Anthony Karbo and his party members saw nothing wrong with this but that of Baba Jamal just because he is an opponent. It is about time we face everything squarely and attack any useless comment being it from within or outside.

By: Kokoih John Kennedy
Secretary to Nations of Africa.


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