Education they say is the backbone of every economy and that to be successful you need to go through education at one point in time which is the basic truth of life. A country that has gone through massive infrastructural development in no doubt has a working educational system as compared to the underdeveloped ones.

What is education? Educational is the training and inculcating into an individual or group of people the ability to do something. It is also the ability to learn and acquire skills through observation and training. This training can either be what is termed formal, informal or semi-formal. 

Education in life has three things to do, thus, to train the heart to love, to train the mind to think and the hand to work in the fulfillment of education's priority of making life better for all and sundry. The basic fact of the educational system in Ghana has been a problem in disguise rather than solving the problem of life.

Ghana's education has failed to train the heart which has made it difficult for graduates to eschew corruption in every aspect of life. If the education trains the heart it will be evident that those that go through will have sense of loving for the country and help promote the total well-being of society and not their parochial interest.

The system has also failed to train the mind of students making it difficult for them to think about solutions to solve problems. It will be noted that in our universities, lectures most often does not ask practical questions but train students to chew and pour the exact things been taught at lectures.

Again the system in its totality has failed to instill in students the practical skills that will help equip them to work hard in the fulfillment of a successful life. Taking a critical assessment of our polytechnics now Technical universities, one will realize that they are not train to do the focus of their establishment which is to give practical skills to their students.

In general analysis of the education of Ghana which is ti be a problem solving one has become a problem in disguise hence needs critical attention.


Unknown said…
Our educational system is at the verge of Jeopardizing because it is now being involved in politics which shouldn't have been the case. Our leaders care less about the future generation but rather their self interest. The reactions of their actions today would take effect in the future which would negatively affect the next generation.

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