Democracy in its essence is the best of governance in the absence of nothing better but in its practice has become a flaw. Democracy is the system of governance where the views of the citizens are taken into consideration when decisions are been taken in a way to affect their lives.

Abraham Lincoln defined it as government for the people, by the people and of the people. Hence when decision are been made it should be in the interest of the people. From the birthplace of Democracy, Athens, it is well established that it is the rule or governance by the people. In those times all members of voting right meet to take decisions that affect themselves not in this modern times where participatory democracy is not practiced.

In modern societies and countries, the democracy been practiced is what most people term as Authoritarian Democracy where the views of the people are not considered. They are only consulted when the need arises for elections to be taken place.

Legislators are representatives of their constituents and not their political parties yet in modern societies legislators do the bidding of their political entities rather than their constituents. It is very evident in all modern societies that the legislators do not go back to their constituencies when there is a matter to be discussed and decision been taken.

In its totality, Democracy is a flaw in practice but best in principle. For Democracy to be best appreciated then all countries should embrace participatory Democracy.


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