As a child, like many others, I dreamed of becoming a medical doctor. However, as I progressed through junior high school, my aspirations shifted towards becoming an air hostess, and then later, a nurse. I was captivated by the crisp, white uniforms of nurses and the air of professionalism that surrounded them. Despite my initial dreams, fate had other plans for me.

Upon entering senior high school, I dedicated myself to my studies, while also excelling in extracurricular activities such as football, drama, and church activities. My commitment did not go unnoticed, and I was beloved by both my peers and teachers. The chaplain of the school recognized my potential and introduced me to some religious sisters who visited our school every first and third Sunday of each month. I cherished these moments with them and began to discern my vocation.

After much discussion with my parents, I decided to pursue my calling and become a postulant for a year and six months. Following this, I spent another year in Nigeria, where I took my first vows of religious profession. After my simple profession, I was given the opportunity to enroll in a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, which I eagerly accepted. This degree would allow me to fulfill my dream of offering my services to humanity.

After six years of simple profession, I took my perpetual vows, and my parents were overjoyed. Everyone who had encountered me shared fond memories of how I had cared for them with patience and kindness. Even those whose faces I could not remember expressed their gratitude and love. This day reminded me of the priest who had given me a glimpse of what my life would be like as a religious, and I was filled with gratitude for the path that had led me here.


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