Lessons Unlearned: The Lingering Impact of the 2015 Twin Disasters

I am still grappling with the tragic events of June 3rd, 2015. It was a day that should have never stained the history of Ghana. I can't help but wonder about the thoughts and feelings of the families affected, as well as those who witnessed the horror firsthand. It was a day of utter despair for Ghana. Every year, people attempt to show sympathy for the victims, but I question whether we have truly learned anything from this tragedy as Ghanaians.

Just when I thought we had turned a new leaf after the twin disasters, we reverted to our old ways. The reckless dumping of waste, construction in waterways, lack of patriotism, and disregard for the environment continue to plague our society. Will we ever change for the better?

Some may try to shift the blame onto the government, but I believe it is our responsibility to respect our environment, take action to decongest our cities and educate ourselves on sustainable living practices.

It pains me to know that this disaster was entirely preventable. Yet, we choose to ignore the lessons and only react when the rains return in June. It's frustrating to see how little progress we have made as a nation.


Anonymous said…
It's like nothing was learnt from it

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