 Image result for AFRICA MAP
An African as i am i do believe in the fact that capitalism is never the best economic and political ideology for us but rather communalism or communism or socialism because this bring about the best developmental issues for the African citizen. Africa is always on my mind and i hope to see Africa high in the near future.
Anytime i wake up alot of things occupy my mind, most especially religion in Africa. I have seen that religion is a new form colonisation and a way to curtail economic development in Africa. Its about time we rise up to fight an African cause. I am not a Christian but rather religious African by this assertion i believe in a supreme being "God" with an African mindset.
whenever i think of Africa and its endowed resources i become happy but the saddest thing happen when we are not able to manage these resources but rather leave them in the hands of these repatriates of the west.
Any diagnosis of underdevelopment in Africa will reveal not just low per capita income and protein deficiencies, but also the gentlemen who dance in Abidjan, Accra and Kinshasa when music is played in Paris, London and New York...  
We Are About The Restoring Of Afrika Dignity, Nation Building, Afrikan Unity And Afrikan Glory. We Will Not Be Destructed By Those Who Refused To Listen Because Their Heart And Souls Are Captured. We Are Pan Africanist Warriors, We Don't Get Lost With Confusion Of Those Who Refuse To Be Afrikan, Accept As Agent Provocateurs And Capitalist Askaries Of Lost Souls. Our Struggle Is More Noble Than An Eagle Of An American Dollar. We Are Warriors Of Pan Africanist Revolutionaries, We Do Not Surrender We Win Or Die.
- Chris Sankara
"In Sharpville We Overcome The Fear Of The Consequences Of Colonial Laws.....! It Become Respectable To Go To Jail And Emerge As Prison Graduates. We Stripped The Whiteman Of That Weapon against Us, The Whiteman Now, In Soweto Had To Fall Back On His Ultimate Weapon, The Gun....! Soweto Has Been A Lesson In Overcoming The Fear Of The Gun. And Now That He Relies On The Gun And We Too, Can Get The Gun, Confrontation Is Inevitable. Long Live The Spirit Of Sharpville! Long live all African Martyrs. Long Live The PAC Of Azania."
Dr Kwame Nkrumah In Honer Of Sharpville/Langa Day.
 Our Problems Are Not By Mistakes In Azania ''South Africa", Rather They Are Designed By Foreign Imperialist Forces Whom Are Strategist Using Their Puppet Neo-Colonialist ANC/Charterists As Managers, Using Fraudulent Election, State Media Propaganda To Confuse The Masses, Using Foreign And External Intelligence To Cos, They Went To An Extent Of Recruiting Agents An Enemy Within Also Using Neo-Colonialist Courts To Confusion, Demonised Genuine Afrikan Progressive Revolutionary Forces They Black Mail And Black List Those Who Support, Defend And Advance Pan-Afrikanist Revolution And Liberation. "South Africa" Will Remain Occupied By Western And European Imperialist Forces, Until Pro-Afrikan Revolutionary Progressive Forces Unite And Adopt A Hard-line Pro-Africanist Mind And Afrikan Revolutionary Thoughts And Ways, We Will Perpetually Remain Slaves And Third Class Citizen Of This World. We Must Grow And Enhance An Afrikan Hardline Thinking And Act Like Wise. Izwe Lethu.
-Chris Sakara


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