The Gift of Giving: Stories of Unexpected Returns

One of the most important lessons I've learned from my older brother is the value of giving freely. Looking back, I can't help but cringe at all the trouble I caused him growing up, both at school and at home. Despite all that, he never stopped loving me and sharing what he had.
I recently heard a story from a friend that stuck with me. She mentioned how a single act of kindness she did for someone in need ended up bringing her unexpected blessings. Even though she had forgotten about it, that good deed came back to her when she was struggling to find a job after finishing her MPhil program.
She shared how she applied for a job and was about to go in for an interview when she ran into a senior manager who remembered her act of charity from years ago. He credited that moment with inspiring him to reach the success he had achieved. To her surprise, the interview was canceled, and she was offered the job on the spot.
It just goes to show that being generous and kind can truly make a difference in unexpected ways. So, let's never stop being charitable, because, in the end, it does pay off.


Mensah said…
Being kind without first calcuting the inconvenience it may cause you indeed pays off one way or the other

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