Remembering Kindness, Forgetting Goodness: A Tale of Human Nature

Oh, let me tell you a little story about the fascinating nature of human beings. You see, if you feed an animal for a few days, it will remember your kindness for a long time. It's like a tattoo on their little animal minds. But oh boy, when you do something to endanger them, they'll develop a hostile attitude towards you that will last for ages. Talk about holding a grudge! Now, let's talk about humans. They're a whole different breed, I tell you. They have this incredible ability to remember only the highest bidder. All those little important things you do for them? Pfft, gone with the wind! As one wise Ghanaian president once said, we humans forget easily. Unless, of course, someone does something that hurts us to the core. Then, oh boy, we remember that forever! I have this vivid memory from my childhood. I had this close friend, you know, the kind you share all your worries and secrets with. Well, little did I know that those secrets would end up being spread aroun...