
Showing posts from October, 2023

Remembering Kindness, Forgetting Goodness: A Tale of Human Nature

Oh, let me tell you a little story about the fascinating nature of human beings. You see, if you feed an animal for a few days, it will remember your kindness for a long time. It's like a tattoo on their little animal minds. But oh boy, when you do something to endanger them, they'll develop a hostile attitude towards you that will last for ages. Talk about holding a grudge! Now, let's talk about humans. They're a whole different breed, I tell you. They have this incredible ability to remember only the highest bidder. All those little important things you do for them? Pfft, gone with the wind! As one wise Ghanaian president once said, we humans forget easily. Unless, of course, someone does something that hurts us to the core. Then, oh boy, we remember that forever! I have this vivid memory from my childhood. I had this close friend, you know, the kind you share all your worries and secrets with. Well, little did I know that those secrets would end up being spread aroun

The Circus Within

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu Why feign concern when you don't truly care? Why do you enter and exit as whims take you there? My mental health wavers on this tumultuous ride, They appear, then vanish like an illusive tide. Enough of this circus, it's tearing me apart, I'm trapped in the darkness, losing myself, and my heart. It attempts to summon the monster within, But I resist, not letting the darkness win. Those who stand by me when the beast seeks its way, And those I wish to care for, come what may, Should I abandon the caring few for the unknown? Or keep moving through life, toward hope, not overthrown. I fear self-destruction, letting the caring ones down, I'll endure, for this too shall pass, I won't wear a frown.

Journey of Faith: Embracing a Religious Vocation

The choices we make today will determine the rewards we reap tomorrow. It's incredible to think that we hold all the power to shape our lives and pave the way for a fulfilling future. Life may not always be smooth sailing, but we can transform it into something truly beautiful, depending on the decisions we make. Lately, I've noticed a remarkable surge in the desire of young people to serve God in extraordinary ways. Let me tell you, these young individuals hold their destinies in their own hands, and with proper guidance and nurturing, they can truly experience the best that life has to offer. Extraordinary service to the Lord isn't limited to the confines of the altar; it extends to every aspect of life, including marriage. I've had the privilege of engaging with a few individuals who have shared their heartfelt aspirations. Their stories have left a profound impact on me. They yearn to be unique, to stand out from the crowd. Those who are married emphasize the import

The Illusion of Concern: Trusting in a World of Motives

In the vast tapestry of existence, there comes a pivotal moment when the masses suddenly feign concern for your well-being. They gather around, pretending to be interested in your every move, desperate to know how you are navigating this thing called life. They want to determine if your life has transformed into a masterpiece or a chaotic mess. However, when you dare to share your thoughts and worries, only a select few bother to extend a helping hand. Ah, yes, the post-high school era, where people are excessively eager to pry into your academic pursuits. They pretend to care about your next step on the educational ladder, but let's be real, their interest lies solely in what they can gain from it. They believe that by offering their assistance, they will somehow reap immediate favors or future paybacks. It's reminiscent of that time when a person of influence asked a friend to join the army, only to reveal ulterior motives. Surprise, surprise, he wanted to squeeze some cash o

Footsteps in the Sand

Have you ever pondered the perplexing phenomenon of individuals who seem to be immune to advice? It's as if they possess an uncanny ability to know it all and be perpetually right. These folks are masters at justifying even the most heinous of actions, simply because they believe their every word and deed to be the ultimate truth. It's mind-boggling how they struggle to acknowledge their peculiar behavior, yet readily accept it when others exhibit the same quirks. Allow me to regale you with a tale from my own experience, a memory that remains etched in my mind like a vivid painting. Several years ago, I found myself in the company of a group of young individuals for a program. Among them was a member who possessed an uncanny knack for spotting inconsistencies in the actions of others. However, when the spotlight turned to him, suddenly those very same inconsistencies became invisible. My insatiable curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't resist confronting him about h

Dysphoria in the End

Poem by: Mawuena Quist In the room of ignominy have I shut the portal from praises. Left alone, the mirror on the wall stripped naked from all the pride. My face comforted in my palm I have left because my pride cannot be sublimed in this shame. Outside the chamber from sitting on the bed of roses. But here I am being suffocated from the pageant smell of dead mice. Running from ostensible affection and here am I resting on a couch waiting to be removed from my leg nail. The nail of self-gratification a deception of self-love claim incurred from the fake humans in the mind. Is no night but I have shut the door hoping for the victory of light. But I am going to die if I vanquish darkness since I am my darkness and I do not want to fail to prevail. What if morning comes since nothing lasts except change and so the morning light will end my life? Oh, I am rather on a train! Do I stay on it and reach my destination of death?  Or do I jump from it to meet my untimely peril? I have no certain

Beyond Prayer and Penance: The Seminary's Musical Secrets

I have heard some incredible stories about the enchanting scenes that unfold within seminaries, but let me tell you, this one was an absolute marvel. I was utterly astounded by what I witnessed. Just imagine this: an all-male choir, their voices resonating with such power and grace that they could rival the very angels themselves. Who would have ever thought, right? Most people assume that seminarians spend their days solely in prayer and indulging in meals, but let me assure you, there is so much more happening behind those sacred walls. I had the extraordinary opportunity to personally experience one of these musical events, and let me tell you, those who arrived with their innocent hearts left with an overwhelming sense of pure joy in their souls. The music that filled the air was like a sumptuous feast for the spirit. I was completely captivated, by witnessing people dance away their sorrows and worries. It was as if we had all been transported to a realm of pure magic, a blissful

Tears in Silence

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu In the shadow of your memory, I weep, Your love, a treasure, in my heart, I keep. You left me, but not by your own design, Death's icy touch, a cruel and bitter sign. You promised to return from your journey afar, But fate's cruel hand, you couldn't par. Alone, I stand, left to fend and cope, In the darkness of despair, I struggle to find hope. They say, "Move on," but how can I let go? Your love and our memories, they continue to grow. I'll cherish every moment, every smile, every tear, For in my heart, your presence is always near. I long for your touch, your comforting embrace, To kiss away my tears, and see your smiling face. Though you're gone, your love forever will remain, In my heart, your presence, a soothing, gentle rain. I'll hold on to the memories, so precious and dear, As I navigate this world, filled with sorrow and fear. You'll always be a part of me, my guiding star above, In my heart, you'll forever b

A Heart's Confession - by Naa Duodu Doodo

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu Waking up to find you beside me warms my heart like never before, Your words of encouragement inspire me to explore. I cherish you dearly, for without you, life seems unclear, A day without your voice, and I'm lost in a world austere. I only want to adore you throughout all our days, My love for you deepens in countless ways. I want to share joy and sorrow, be your anchor when the skies are gray, This is the first time my heart has danced in such a way. You are my first love, a treasure so true, I never believed in love until I met you. I fell for you at first sight, your beauty took my breath away, Let me love you forever, in every moment, night and day.

Breaking the Cycle of Blame and Complaint

Once , a priest shared some wise words with me: if you spend too much time with someone who constantly complains, you'll start complaining too, without even realizing it. It's a common human tendency, rooted in our nature since the time sin entered the world through our first parents, Adam and Eve. They shifted blame onto others, blaming the serpent for their actions. And so, we humans often struggle to accept our faults, instead choosing to point fingers at others for our mistakes. This tendency is prevalent in many aspects of our lives. For example, in Ghana, there's a popular saying among teachers: they are blamed for poor student performance, but when students excel, all the credit is given to the students themselves. It's a cycle that even students perpetuate, taking pride in their achievements but quick to blame others when things go wrong. But why do we do this? It's because we create our problems and then conveniently shift the blame onto others when things

The Gratitude Revolution: A New Way of Living

It's mind-boggling how some folks wrap their heads around certain aspects of life. They're all too happy to receive a helping hand, but when it comes to lending one themselves, suddenly it's like pulling teeth. It's a real bummer to witness this kind of attitude from people who always want to be on the receiving end, but never want to step up to the plate. But fear not, my friends, for I recently had the pleasure of listening to a true legend. This individual possessed a personality so grand, it could make even the grumpiest of souls crack a smile. And you know what this wise sage had to say? Showing appreciation costs you absolutely zilch. Nada. Zero. Zippo. It's a simple act that can make a world of difference. This enlightened being opened my eyes to the importance of acknowledging the little things people do for us. No more getting lost in the abyss of self-centeredness, my friends. It's time to break free and embrace the joy that comes from expressing grati

Generosity Amnesia: When Hardship Fades from Memory

I was flabbergasted by the ridiculous charade we put on, pretending that everything is hunky-dory with our families when in reality, it's a hot mess. Being alone for a short period opened my eyes to the fact that ideas and reality are two completely different beasts. The cost of living was through the roof, forcing me to make sacrifices left and right just to afford the essentials. It made me realize the immense responsibility that falls on the shoulders of guardians and parents, constantly struggling to foot the bills. I learned the hard way how to manage limited resources and even when resources were abundant, the importance of being responsible and not making unnecessary demands. What I couldn't wrap my head around is why some people, after going through tough times, have this insatiable desire to live a life of luxury. They gladly accept the kindness and generosity of others without a second thought about how those generous souls earned the resources to support them. It bog