Footsteps in the Sand

Have you ever pondered the perplexing phenomenon of individuals who seem to be immune to advice? It's as if they possess an uncanny ability to know it all and be perpetually right. These folks are masters at justifying even the most heinous of actions, simply because they believe their every word and deed to be the ultimate truth. It's mind-boggling how they struggle to acknowledge their peculiar behavior, yet readily accept it when others exhibit the same quirks.
Allow me to regale you with a tale from my own experience, a memory that remains etched in my mind like a vivid painting. Several years ago, I found myself in the company of a group of young individuals for a program. Among them was a member who possessed an uncanny knack for spotting inconsistencies in the actions of others. However, when the spotlight turned to him, suddenly those very same inconsistencies became invisible.
My insatiable curiosity got the best of me, and I couldn't resist confronting him about his perplexing behavior. It was during this tête-à-tête that I stumbled upon a fascinating revelation - his actions mirrored those of an avid spectator at a game of draughts. You know, those spectators who possess an uncanny ability to spot the loopholes in players' strategies, yet remain completely oblivious to their shortcomings when they step into the role of a player themselves.
In one of our discussions, it became crystal clear that his intentions were rather self-serving. He yearned to be the center of attention, the ultimate benchmark against which all others were measured. Any deviation from his self-proclaimed standard was immediately labeled as wrong, unless, of course, he was the one doing the deviating.
Oh, the irony! It's both amusing and exasperating to witness such a spectacle. These individuals, with their inflated sense of self-importance, genuinely believe they hold the key to absolute truth. But let me tell you, my friend, life has a remarkable way of humbling even the most arrogant among us. So, the next time you come across one of these characters, prepare yourself for a truly entertaining encounter.


Quist said…
It’s not easy oo especially if you have them as authority
Vinny said…
The lord gave me Brothers 😁

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