
Showing posts from 2024

A Connection Beyond First Impressions

It was incredible how easily we clicked during our second encounter! Our first meeting was a bit awkward and tense, but I could tell she was just unfamiliar with her surroundings. Despite that, I couldn't help but notice her kindness and beauty, especially those smiles that never seemed to fade. We all couldn't help but sneak glances at her, trying not to get caught in our admiration. During our second meeting, I tried to keep my distance at first, but it was impossible. I found myself right in the middle of things, helping out, and there she was, offering her assistance despite being busy. We ended up having a deep conversation, sharing our experiences. Her lovely French accent and her passion for life struck me. I couldn't help but wonder why such a beautiful woman would choose a life of celibacy. The only explanation I could come up with was her strong faith in God. To my surprise, I later met her father and realized that their warmth and ability to bring joy to others w...

Guarding the Sanctity of the Eucharist: The Urgent Need for Church Discipline

I am deeply concerned as each day passes by witnessing the decline in discipline exhibited by people in all aspects of life, including within the Church. This is a serious issue that cannot be ignored any longer. We must address this problem and find solutions as soon as possible. It is disheartening to see individuals actively working to undermine the disciplined behavior of others, while some remain indifferent to the situation. While commendable efforts are being made by the youth to address waste in our communities, the level of indiscipline that has infiltrated the Church is alarming. I was shocked to witness individuals engrossed in their phones during the Eucharist celebration, browsing social media, or even live streaming from the church. This behavior is not only disrespectful but also disrupts the sanctity of the liturgy. It is unacceptable that we are willing to compromise the beauty of our environment and now our worship as well. We must ask ourselves, what would happen if ...

When Kindness Feels Like Home

I was thrilled with the incredible treatment I received from her! She opened my eyes to the fact that someone outside of your family can care for you so deeply that it feels like magic. This realization came at a time when I was feeling almost helpless, but she showered me with love and care that lifted my spirits. Initially, I thought her kindness was due to knowing someone I knew, but I soon learned that she treated everyone with the same level of compassion, regardless of their connection to her. Her generosity and warmth truly touched my heart. There was a moment when I saw her looking tired and stressed, yet she still managed to help others without hesitation. I inquired about her and the praise I heard filled me with pride for knowing such an amazing person. I am endlessly grateful to her and will never stop expressing my gratitude. She is truly one in a million, and I have realized that family is not just about blood relations.

Glimmers of Hope: The Strength Found in Relationships

Having people around you is truly a blessing! Life can be lonely at times, but what's the point if you don't have relationships with others? We are social beings, meant to connect and engage with one another. I experienced the power of relationships when everything in my life was falling apart. I can't imagine where I would be without the support of those around me. Even in my darkest moments, they showed me that there is always a glimmer of hope and joy to be found. I may have been struggling, but I was never alone. I needed help to get through tough times, and I am so grateful for the relationships that have helped me along the way. I wouldn't wish a life without people on anyone - we truly thrive when we have others to lean on and support us.

Rediscovery of Life

Poem by Naa Doodua Doodu When all hope fades and reason slips away, I look back at trials survived, ready to surrender, Wishing God would lift this burden, Yet not my will, but His be done. I endure pain, joy out of reach, The tunnel's light dim, the path uncertain. My pillow, silent comfort, absorbs my tears, Never judging, always there. In the lowest moments, a still voice whispers, "Hold on," though my mind overpowers hope. Faith wavers, but His plans comfort me. "Blessed are those who mourn, they shall be comforted." He wipes every tear, showing love each day. I waited for the Lord; He heard my cry, Lifted me from the pit, set my feet on a rock, Put a new song in my mouth—praise to our God. Through His hope, I rise again, Rediscovering life, renewed and resilient.

The Unseen Backbone of Society: Valuing Every Contribution

I understand the unwavering dedication of certain individuals who are always ready to serve mankind, but the negligence and greed of those in power have consistently been obstacles. Far too often, we underestimate the importance of individuals who perform seemingly insignificant tasks, when in reality, they are the backbone of society. In life, we must never underestimate the contributions of those who play a vital role. A philosopher and political figure once said, "They may take some time to organize, but when they do, the outcome cannot be contained." This statement resonates deeply with me as I observe the current state of affairs in our country. It has become evident that those in positions of power must take action to earn the respect of the citizens they serve. A recent personal experience has opened my eyes to the consequences of taking people for granted. When individuals are not valued and respected, they will inevitably assert their power. I witnessed firsthand the...

When Passion Meets Profession: Tales from the Frontlines of Care

I have heard countless stories about the insensitivity of some medical professionals, and I have unfortunately witnessed it myself. However, I must acknowledge that some truly view their profession as a calling. It is not because I received superior treatment from them, but rather because of the love and passion with which they carry out their duties. During my time under the care of health professionals, I made a conscious effort to observe everything happening around me. I found myself smiling occasionally at the humility and joy they brought to their work. Despite facing challenging situations, these individuals maintained the utmost composure. One particular instance that stood out to me was when a nurse successfully convinced a patient to eat, despite the family's previous failed attempts. I marveled at the tactics employed by this healthcare provider, including singing to encourage the patient to eat. It is undoubtedly a difficult job, but these individuals have demonstrated ...

Elation Under the Moon: A Family Gathering to Remember

One glorious day, I ventured out with my brothers for a delightful gathering filled with lively conversation and shared experiences. The group was a mix of ages, with both the young and old coming together to exchange stories. I was thrilled by the wealth of experiences shared, spanning from work to church and beyond. You know that feeling when someone shares something that resonates with you so deeply? I was so engrossed in the conversation that I failed to notice the beauty of nature surrounding us until one of my companions pointed out the radiant moon casting its shimmering light over the sea. The sight was so breathtakingly colorful that it filled me with a newfound appreciation for the wonders of nature and the divine creations of God. At that moment, I felt pure elation and wished I could witness such a sight every night, though the constraints of time and space made it impossible. Just as I once read that justice and peace have kissed, I witnessed the magical union of the moon ...

Faith in the Storm

Poem by Naa Doodua Doodu As challenges rise, perseverance and patience become our norm. If we falter, we fail, for regret has no remedy. In the face of adversity, let us not be swayed by trouble, But instead, place our hope in the Lord for a brighter tomorrow. We make our choices, but God guides our path. He never disappoints; His "no" is the best answer for the moment. Though pain may endure for a night, joy comes with the dawn. So, let us cling to God with patience and perseverance, for He is faithful.

Lessons Beyond the Classroom: A Journey of Perseverance in Ghana

A captivating story shared with me by a friend has stuck with me, as it resonates deeply with my own experiences. Like many young men in Ghana, I had the opportunity to work during the period between my basic school education and continuing to the next level of my education. This was a time before mobile phones were common, when airtime transfers, airtime cards, and call centers were the norm. I worked under someone who genuinely cared about my well-being, and I could see the concern on his face as I left to further my education. Life presented me with numerous opportunities. It was unusual for someone to be offered a teaching position straight out of high school, especially when many high school graduates were struggling to find work. I found myself teaching three subjects and taking on multiple responsibilities, while trained professionals had little to do. This pattern continued after I completed tertiary education. I couldn't understand why these individuals received higher sal...

Trust with Caution: Navigating Betrayal and Wisdom

I've learned my lesson the hard way, and wish I had a time machine to fix all my past mistakes! But as they say, "When you fall, it's a mistake, but staying down is a decision." That quote has been my saving grace and kept me moving forward. I used to trust people way too easily and let me tell you, that got me into a lot of trouble. The final straw that broke the camel's back was a doozy. If it weren't for the fact that the people involved were understanding, I don't think I would have ever recovered from the shock. Sharing sensitive information with someone who has a vested interest in the topic is a recipe for disaster. I once spilled my guts to a close friend, thinking I was giving him a heads up, only to have it blow up in my face because he had his agenda. It was a mess, let me tell you. Turns out, this so-called friend only betrayed me because he was jealous of my relationship with the person in question. Talk about drama! After that whole debacle, ...

A Call to Worship: Join the Elogio Moment

I have been emphasizing the importance of a collaborative effort within the Church, particularly from the youth. When the youth take the lead in church activities, the progress and impact are beyond imagination. A while back, the youth of Prince of Peace Catholic Church organized Alabanza, and it was a huge success. As I was looking through my photos, I stumbled upon a picture from the Elogio Moment. To my surprise, this program is led by the youth of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Sowutuom. After some inquiries, I discovered that this is a program that you absolutely cannot miss on June 30, 2024. In life, it is crucial to listen to the Word of God, praise Him, worship Him, and pray to Him, that is the main reason we must be there. We must constantly challenge ourselves to allow God to work in our lives, and I am thrilled to see that the youth have embraced this wholeheartedly. Let's all come together to support this incredible moment, just as we do with any other program. ...

Why Not Now? Embracing the Power of Immediate Action

I have been captivated by a particular inspirational quote, or better yet, a life-inspiring mantra shared by a friend. Each post grabs my attention and resonates with me deeply. These quotes have taught me the importance of seizing opportunities with urgency and dedication as if my very existence depended on it. One story that has stuck with me since my early days is the notion that what must be done should be done swiftly and efficiently. The question posed is simple - Why not now? This philosophy does not suggest hasty or careless actions, but rather emphasizes the importance of thoughtful consideration coupled with decisive action, all in the pursuit of goodness. The story that continues to echo in my mind is that of a man who encountered an elderly gentleman struggling to navigate a treacherous open drain in a desolate street. Despite the potential risks of being in such a location, the man paused, pondered, and ultimately decided that what must be done should be done promptly and ...

SECRETS OF THE NIGHT: Power of second Chance

Almost forgetting about her and all the incidents surrounding our relationship, I had the opportunity to travel out of the country to further my studies and work. One day, as I was taking a stroll through the bustling streets, I suddenly turned my head and caught sight of a mesmerizing damsel. My heart skipped a beat, and at that moment, I knew I had to seize my chance. As I approached her, I realized that the missing piece that had left me feeling dejected was none other than that beautiful damsel. I was so captivated by her presence that I almost tripped over my own feet when she turned and her radiant smile illuminated my face. We stood there, both stunned, as we locked eyes. And then, without hesitation, we embraced. She jokingly asked me if I had been stalking her, and we both laughed. We found a quiet spot to sit and catch up on how life had been treating us. It was then that she revealed she had left the country because she didn't want to be a burden in my life. We reconnect...


After numerous visits to my parents, I finally mustered up the courage to meet hers. However, she was hesitant to introduce me to her family. I thought giving her space to consider would help, but alas, it did not come to fruition. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was keeping something significant about her life hidden from me. Despite my blind love for her, I clung to hope. When I was finally granted the chance to meet her parents, I was taken aback to discover her affluent background. Both of her parents were esteemed legal professionals in the country. It dawned on me that she may have feared I would use this information against her or her family due to the circumstances of our meeting. It was during this encounter that I also learned of her successful career as a banker, having received numerous accolades for her exceptional service. I couldn't help but wonder, what else was she concealing from me? Despite my reservations, I was determined to continue the relationship,...

SECRETS OF THE NIGHT: My journey through online dating

After my failed attempts to win her over for a date, I decided to venture into the unknown. This led me to sign up for various dating and adult websites in hopes of finding love. I encountered numerous stunning women, leaving me unsure of who to approach first. Summoning all my courage, I reached out to one particular woman, only to be met with the shocking question, "How much will you pay?" It dawned on me that she was a hookup. Curious, I inquired about her rates, which turned out to be exorbitant. Despite the steep price, I persisted in pursuing her, eventually asking her to be my girlfriend. To my dismay, she initially declined, but after relentless persuasion, she reluctantly agreed. I naively believed I could change her ways, unaware of the impossibility of such a feat. For nearly three years, we were together. She introduced me to a world I never knew existed, showing me the darker side of life. Despite the warning signs, I chose to overlook them, giving her the benefi...

SECRETS OF THE NIGHT: Search for love

Strolling through the bustling streets of Waikiki, my mind was consumed with the words spoken to me during the meeting with my parents. My heart raced, signaling a realization that I was indeed growing older and the time had come to settle down and start a family. The burning question lingered in my mind - who would I bring home to meet my parents? For so long, my focus had been solely on work and providing for myself and my loved ones. The mere thought of my parents' voices filled me with anxiety, igniting a fierce determination to find a suitable partner to call my own. Lost in contemplation, a memory surfaced of a woman at my workplace who had shown interest in me, a green light I had foolishly overlooked. With newfound eagerness, I resolved to ask her out on a date and lay my intentions bare. However, my hopes were swiftly dashed when she revealed she was already involved with someone else. Her words struck me like a dagger to the heart, leaving me reeling and unable to focus f...


Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu If I could turn back time, I would choose to be me, Embracing each flaw, every strength, and all that I see. If I could turn back time, I would still choose you, Through the stormiest nights and skies of perfect blue. If I could turn back time, I would choose to trust, Your words, your heart, and your bond are so robust. If I could turn back time, I would still choose your smile, Even if it meant walking an extra mile. If I could turn back time, I would choose every tear, Every laugh, every whisper, and all that is dear. If I could turn back time, I would still choose your grace, For in your joy, I've always found my place.

Lessons Unlearned: The Lingering Impact of the 2015 Twin Disasters

I am still grappling with the tragic events of June 3rd, 2015. It was a day that should have never stained the history of Ghana. I can't help but wonder about the thoughts and feelings of the families affected, as well as those who witnessed the horror firsthand. It was a day of utter despair for Ghana. Every year, people attempt to show sympathy for the victims, but I question whether we have truly learned anything from this tragedy as Ghanaians. Just when I thought we had turned a new leaf after the twin disasters, we reverted to our old ways. The reckless dumping of waste, construction in waterways, lack of patriotism, and disregard for the environment continue to plague our society. Will we ever change for the better? Some may try to shift the blame onto the government, but I believe it is our responsibility to respect our environment, take action to decongest our cities and educate ourselves on sustainable living practices. It pains me to know that this disaster was entirely p...

Empathy Over Entertainment: A Call for Real-Life Heroism

It's truly disheartening how we tend to downplay important matters. We've become so obsessed with social media and this whole citizen journalism thing that many of us are completely oblivious to its existence. We're all in a race to be the first to post and get tagged as the fastest news deliverer. Sure, it has its perks in some cases, but that shouldn't overshadow the importance of lending a helping hand. I was livid when I came across a video making the rounds on social media. I couldn't help but wonder where the conscience of those bystanders had disappeared. I'm almost tempted to call them educated illiterates. How could anyone just stand by and watch for entertainment while two young people were in a physical altercation? The natural response should have been to intervene and separate them, not stand there cheering them on. Just imagine if that little girl had ended up losing her life - the guilt that would haunt the other person for the rest of their days....

The Unknown Steps of Man

Poem by: Raphael Sarfo Oh how dark and mysterious the path of man leads A day as bright as the sun yet so much uncertain where the step of man lands!  Where is my next step?  Into the luck of life or the miseries of it?  The fortunes of life or the agonies thereof?  The creator alone is sure.  Oh how I wish says my innermost man, that the Creator alone guides Dedicated to all Gone Souls

Be Calm! Stay Calm!

Poem by: YAO BESAH DZANADO The eyes of the masses are fixed in a wondrous gaze  They watched in awe in their minds as their eyes betrayed their thoughts  Their hearts wander within the ignorance of their supposed wisdom  Adventure, mystery, famine, suffering, and poverty: which is truth and which is not? Some running to their door post in the pretense of deprivation creates the impression that their assertion is the truth  You who know the depth of their ignorance and wrong judgments, please be calm and remain calm  Let them dance in the pool of their ignorance for surely they may drown someday  Stay calm and remain calm at least for the sake of the few who know the truth and act differently Be calm and remain calm at least for the sake of the few ignorant ones who seek the truth in sincerity  Be calm and remain calm for the story may not be the same the day after tomorrow  Be calm! Stay calm!

Paths Intersected: Stories of Serendipitous Bonds

People come together in various aspects of life for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes, the circumstances surrounding these meetings can be a mystery. However, these encounters often blossom into moments of profound connection. One such instance is the bond that is formed between a group of individuals. The memories of our meeting places still linger in my mind, as vivid as the taste of freshly tapped palm wine. I distinctly recall a time when I had to relinquish a cherished position due to the negative comments of those around me. It was a pivotal moment when I was called back to resume my role, as those who had temporarily taken over realized the challenges it entailed. I view this as a divine intervention. Despite being asked to take full control, we became effective partners in our work. I humbly sought their guidance, which provided me with invaluable learning opportunities. Another significant encounter occurred when I felt compelled to seek a unique connection with the Divine. I ...

OH! Death

Poem by: Raphael Sarfo Oh life dear, let me know truly your very nature. I want to know truly, your principles. May I temper not, what triggers your everlasting leave. Yet a flash of thunder-lightning may last longer when you choose to seize existence. So that I don’t take you for granted, Oh life dear. You require so much of a man But do I alone take care of you? When the faults and woes of others don’t appeal your pardon Yes, I want to know truly, how I will pamper you to dwell with me in perpetual harmony, your fullness. Dedicated to all gone souls

Unmasking the Teaser: A Tale of Revelations

Oh, the joy of running into an old friend from high school amid my busy life! I always thought he was a ray of sunshine, spreading happiness wherever he went. Little did I know, he was a sadistic teaser, getting a kick out of making others uncomfortable. It was quite a shock to discover his true colors. One day, we were at a gathering and he decided to target someone with his teasing. The poor guy was left speechless and visibly upset. But when the tables were turned and he was teased back, oh boy, did he lose his cool! It was almost comical how quickly he went from teasing to full-on rage mode. After witnessing this drama unfold, I had a moment of clarity. Treat others as you would like to be treated, right? Well, some people just can't handle being on the receiving end of their own medicine. Especially those sadistic teasers. Oh, what a joy they are to be around!

Journey Towards Healing: Acknowledging Mistakes and Seeking Forgiveness"

By: Filson Felicity Durowaa, Odorgonno Model JHS Edited by: The Observer I found myself in a state of contemplation in the eleventh heavens, pondering something that I believed could alleviate a heavy burden weighing on my chest. In my opinion, when one offends another, it is crucial to offer a sincere apology rather than allowing pride and sorrow to fester. The ability to apologize is a trait that I believe everyone should strive to cultivate. During the recent Easter festivities, a time when families and friends come together to celebrate love, I found myself overstepping boundaries with my actions. It wasn't just me, but also someone who shared meals with me. I was baffled by how quickly a person could disappear when we had planned to engage in conversation. To be transparent, I want to acknowledge that my actions were unintentional. I am grateful for your dedication to spreading positivity and bringing people closer to God, even if it means leaving the comfort of your home for ...

Mobile Witnesses: The Tragedy of Spectacle in an Unfeeling Age

I seethed with fury as my eyes witnessed a despicable scene unfolding by the roadside. After a long day of activities, I was traveling with a group, only to be confronted with the harsh reality that humanity has devolved into a pack of heartless monsters. Sitting by the window of the vehicle, I observed a man being callously struck down by a hit-and-run driver. How could someone be so devoid of empathy? Instead of owning up to his actions, the driver fled the scene at breakneck speed, disappearing into the night. I naively hoped that those nearby would come to the aid of the injured man, but my hopes were dashed. To my dismay, I saw everyone around him with their mobile phones in hand, from the cheapest models to the most expensive, capturing photos and videos to share with the world. Some even laughed and cheered, finding amusement in the man's misfortune. Where has our compassion and sense of community gone? What was meant to be a source of support has transformed into a malevole...

Homegrown Happiness: Embracing the Power of Your Inner Circle

They say charity starts at home, but let's be real - most people I've come across seem to think charity and happiness are found everywhere except in their backyard. It's a real bummer when you realize that some folks just don't vibe with the people closest to them. It's like they'd rather hang out with strangers than their own family and friends. Talk about priorities, am I right? I recently had a chat with a guy who said that if someone doesn't enjoy the company of those around them, they must have some deep-seated issues. I wanted to argue, but then I thought about all the drama I'd witnessed firsthand. Maybe he's onto something after all. There's this saying that goes, "What the elders see sitting, the child sees not even when standing on the tallest building." It's like, older folks have been around the block and know a thing or two. Who am I to question their wisdom? Maybe charity and happiness really should start at home, with...

Shackled Souls: A Journey to Freedom

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu I bow my head in shame for my failures, Imprisoned by my own mind's chains. How do I break free from this burden? I teeter on the brink of collapse, My mental state is in disarray. Yet he looks to me and whispers, "Hold on tight, you will emerge stronger." The Lord will advocate for me, In Him, I place my trust, finding solace. I shall depart, carrying my tale, With God by my side, I'll prevail. This chapter isn't the end, We'll rise again to fight and ascend. This too shall pass, making us resilient, And through adversity, we'll grow brilliant.

True Identity: The Power of Authenticity

I found myself amid a gathering where the leader captivated us all with a riveting tale that struck a chord deep within me. Although I had heard and seen the story before, this time it profoundly resonated with me, igniting a fire within me to reflect on the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. Each word he spoke unveiled a new perspective on life. During his speech, he revealed that he had once concealed his true identity from a group of people. Despite facing disrespect and humiliation, he remained steadfast in his resolve, unwavering in his pursuit of his goals. It became evident that people often extend kindness and respect to those they perceive as valuable or virtuous in society. Just when he thought he had successfully concealed his identity, a simple bag exposed him. However, instead of facing further mistreatment, he was met with the utmost respect and admiration. This powerful anecdote serves as a reminder that true character and integrity will always shin...

We Are Easter People: A Journey of Faith and Joy

We are the children of Easter; our song is Alleluia! As Christians around the world celebrated the birth of Christ at Christmas, we rejoiced in the passion and resurrection of our Savior at Easter. The joy that filled the earth on this special day was truly infectious. I was overwhelmed with joy during the Holy Saturday vigil. The happiness on the faces of the people around me reaffirmed my belief that salvation is found in Christ. The energy in the air was electric, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. I watched as people danced with abandon, something I had never seen at any other church. The atmosphere was so profound that I was tempted to join in, but my lack of dancing skills held me back. However, I couldn't help but feel the excitement and joy that filled the room. After forty days without singing Alleluia, I realized how much it meant to the Catholics in attendance. It was like going a week without your favorite meal - unimaginable. I understood their thirst for t...

The Gift of Giving: Stories of Unexpected Returns

One of the most important lessons I've learned from my older brother is the value of giving freely. Looking back, I can't help but cringe at all the trouble I caused him growing up, both at school and at home. Despite all that, he never stopped loving me and sharing what he had. I recently heard a story from a friend that stuck with me. She mentioned how a single act of kindness she did for someone in need ended up bringing her unexpected blessings. Even though she had forgotten about it, that good deed came back to her when she was struggling to find a job after finishing her MPhil program. She shared how she applied for a job and was about to go in for an interview when she ran into a senior manager who remembered her act of charity from years ago. He credited that moment with inspiring him to reach the success he had achieved. To her surprise, the interview was canceled, and she was offered the job on the spot. It just goes to show that being generous and kind can truly make...

End in Process

Poem by: Stephen Henry Mawuena Quist Life fleeting towards night and every year is an Olympic of the mind I would have done right but wrong conquers every time I postponed with a heavy sigh  the restoration of my soul’s blind But procrastination abides as it puts my vision behind Go make a mirth but for me, I lack a reason to be buoyed up. Yet I am the happiest person (eudemenia) behind this forlorn. I have achieved nothing except that which I longed Even that the Lamb did which explains my broken horn Another wolf who follows a Lamb Caricatured in cream fur but refusing the lamb’s plan My stomach hurts if I stay carnivorous but if I don’t I feel numb Numb to a destination I thirst since for that place I am not a fan But from my experience anything I yearn, loving it after I can’t. I am fleeting toward yonder  Broken already from home so even a manager isn't a meager  To the city in my mind’s picture I don’t expect lights and fireworks on my arrival  Purge me with no...

Empowering Education: A Tribute to Sir Don Francis

There are so many people out there that I look up to, even though I've never actually met them in person. Their passion for what they do always motivates me to believe that there's still hope in the world. They put in so much effort to make a difference in the lives of those around them. And let me tell you, the people I follow online always give me that extra push to get back to school because of how amazing they are. One of these incredible individuals is a guy who goes by the name of the 21st-century teacher, Sir Don Francis. The few times I've chatted with him online, I could see that he truly believes in making a positive impact on society with love. He's a real go-getter who's dedicated to ensuring that the kids he interacts with, both in school and at home, have something to smile about. He covers everything from health to education. The 21st-century teacher has taught me that love should always be at the forefront, no matter what. He's shown me that if y...

From Humble Beginnings to Great Success: A Tale of Resilience and Determination

While wandering the vibrant streets of Soweto, I unexpectedly ran into a dear friend from our humble beginnings at basic school. To my absolute amazement, he had achieved great success in life, and my heart swelled with joy. I vividly recalled the days when he was mocked by those more affluent than us. The immense happiness I felt that day was overwhelming, and I couldn't contain my excitement as I embraced him, showering him with words of encouragement and well wishes. Curious about the source of his newfound wealth, I discovered that he had invested in his education and used the little money he had to dabble in the stock market. He shared stories of the hardships he endured to keep his business afloat, and it dawned on me that the downfall of a man can be the catalyst for even greater things with unwavering determination. Our acquaintances were taken aback by his continued humility despite his success. Through our interactions, I learned a valuable lesson that I intend to carry w...

The Heroine of Womanhood

By: Paul Tengyang It was during the time she wanted to add intellectual substance to her Womanhood that the battle line was drawn. On her way to say hello to her family and friends during one of the days of her pursuit of knowledge and intellectual expeditions she had to fight the unwavering war. Surrendered by her opponents who have already devastated nations, she was unmoved by their intimidations. Upon series of torture and brutalities, she endured the pains and sufferings that blasted her bones and marrow like a bomb of fire in her brain. Without saying a word, she remained calm. Having been the first to be attacked among her co-preys, she received the hardest and strongest afflictions.  The only point she resisted was when her pride as a woman was to be tempered with. She preferred to die than to see herself being defiled. She begged her opponents to shoot her rather than sell her pride to save her life. With a gunpoint on her breast and with the opponent's finger on the trigg...

Series of an African: The Africa I found myself

As my thoughts began to settle on the truth I had uncovered, a harsh reality dawned on me - it was far worse than I had initially believed. The sights before me elicited a deep, guttural exclamation of "Eii, Africa!" I bore witness to an Africa ravaged by civil wars, a sight that brought tears of anguish to my eyes. The Congo, once a land graced by Lumumba's vision, now lay in ruins, stripped of its beauty and agricultural abundance. The mere thought of exploring the potential of the Congo basin to nourish the world filled me with dread. Recollections of my visit to the majestic pyramids of Egypt flooded my mind, a time when I reveled in the wonders of Africa. Yet, the stark reality of the present loomed large - I couldn't even journey to Abuja and remain for 120 days without burdensome documentation. The pervasive corruption that plagues my homeland only served to deepen my despair. It pains me to acknowledge that I was born into a continent where the splendor of cre...

Series of an African: The Africa I envisioned

As a child, I was captivated by the tales of legendary African leaders such as Patrice Lumumba and Nnamdi Azikiwe. Their passion for elevating Africa to new heights filled my mind with visions of a continent overflowing with abundance. However, reality has left me disillusioned. In my formative years, my school echoed with songs praising these leaders, and our houses were named after them. I was led to believe that I could traverse Africa as easily as moving from one town to another. The idealistic notions instilled in me by my teachers painted a picture of a utopian homeland. In my fantasies, I wandered through Tanzania, basking in the beauty of Lake Victoria, or scaling the majestic Kilimanjaro. I envisioned myself in South Africa, surrounded by the wonders of nature. Yet, these dreams now seem like mere illusions. I yearned for an Africa without borders, where I could roam freely, but instead, I was shackled by disappointment. The Africa I imagined, a land of boundless opportunities...

Transforming the World Through Love

Love is the universal language that I have always envisioned resonating throughout the world. It has been heralded for generations, yet what we often witness is love merely spoken, not truly embodied in actions. Contemplating this, one phrase has captivated my thoughts: "Love does not hurt." I firmly believe that when one is truly filled with love, their actions will consistently uplift and honor others. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam all have love as the cornerstone of their teachings. A genuine follower of any of these faiths holds love in the highest regard. This brings to mind a remarkable priest I had the privilege of meeting years ago. This man has become someone I deeply cherish. His every action and deed radiated the love of Christ. He taught me that love is synonymous with sacrifice and selflessness. Even when he appeared weary and pale, he never allowed it to hinder his priestly duties. Intrigued by his unwavering devotion, I resolved to uncover his secret. What h...

Divine Guidance in the Midst of Temptation

Poem by: Naa Doodua Doodu "Why mistake lust for love? Love's definition excludes lust, Pure, untainted, not sullied. We confuse our urge to consummate with love's embrace. Let not material desires lead us astray, tempting sin against God. This month, let's not misinterpret it as a celebration of love, actions that harm us and future generations. The devil tempts us to desecrate God's temple. Let us stand firm in faith, resisting sin's allure. Ad pacem et bonum nostrum."

Empowering the Future: The Case for Children's Involvement in Church Activities

I have long been a staunch advocate for the active and complete involvement of children in the animation of Church activities. I firmly believe that when given the opportunity, they will never fail to impress, bringing immense pride to both the church and their parents. Neglecting their inclusion will only exacerbate the decline in youth participation in church activities, a concern we all lament. I have been fortunate enough to witness the remarkable endeavors of various Children's Ministries within different churches, and I must confess, they have always been nothing short of extraordinary. The dramatization of readings and the harmonious singing, among other activities, have consistently served as a profound source of spiritual upliftment. By granting children the chance to actively and wholeheartedly participate in the liturgy of the church, we can bolster their confidence and propel them toward the heights we all aspire to witness. It is not the fault of the children, but rath...

Behind the Mask of Devotion: Unveiling the Inner Conflicts of Spiritual Superiority

I have a strong aversion to supporting those who find it easy to talk to fellow humans but are reluctant to talk to God. Let me tell you about this young man I met some time ago. At first glance, he seemed like a devout person, but for some reason, I saw things differently. I had the chance to spend some time with him, and to my surprise, he had this superiority complex. He believed he was better than everyone else around him. I couldn't understand why he struggled to pray in a group, to the point of getting sick but was perfectly fine when praying alone. It was like he could talk the talk but couldn't walk the walk when it came to group prayer. Now, I get that our moods can fluctuate daily, but that shouldn't stop us from doing what we need to do when it comes to following God in our unique way.